
Sunday, December 9, 2012

I had something to say about this weapon last night before bed. Why I didn't write this then I have no idea. I remember nothing. Oh, well, at least I have a name for it courtesy of @kevinphiggins. He said...

I played the first game, but it was so long ago I don't remember much, and I don't have the sequel yet since, until recently, my PC was a dinosaur. So, I looked up Kerrigan and the name certainly seems to fit. It's almost as if I was inspired by the character. And the more I think about it the more the name grows on me, like when I had to name The Nameless One for the Spartacus online game contest. I settled on Ruber Mors (Red Death).

So, thank you, Kevin, for the perfect name, because I had absolutely nothing.

By the way, yes, I noticed that the Twitter embed buttons are in Indonesian. It's not my Twitter settings, which I just changed four times, and I haven't been able to find anything in the template yet. It took way too long to find a template I love, so I guess I'll live with it for now.

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Original: January 24, 2006

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